Sunday, February 16, 2014

Epic Finale

So last night was the epic end to a year long campaign and the game lasted 14 hours! it was 6 am before we even got home after cleaning up haha. Along the way we started drawing some of our characters so I figured I would post some :)

Here is the group!
I personally played a foot tall pixie who did not do much damage as she was using a long bow that essentially shot toothpicks, although she did become stronger and sort of had this running joke that she ALWAYS kill stole the bosses at the last second :P. So it turns out that my pixie is pretty bad-ass at level 20 and essentially did about 800~ish if not more damage to the Grand Beholder (Final Boss) who had something like 2.5k hp maybe and I ended up killing it too and making a trophy out of it >:)

A party member played this noble lady sorcerer named Hilda and I more or less looked at his drawing of her and than drew it in my style.

And Hilda had a follower cleric named Mizu

Woo~ Can't wait for the start of the next game where I'll be played a Nymph Nature Oracle!

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