Friday, November 28, 2014

New Pathfinder Campaigns

New campaign means new characters~
This is Rowena the half elf magus
This is Ayla the... something crazy like half human, 1/8 demon, 7/8 ifrit Bloodrager and grew up with Rowena. She is my friend Sally's character.
Ayla hates dresses.
And this is Quinn for a different campaign, shes an Aasimar Magus. Also I haven't been updating at all because my 113b class calls for its own blog where I put everything on there instead~

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Been Awhile

So it's been awhile and figured I should post before I go back to posting once a year so here is a few things I've worked on since last time~

Here is an apple sitting in a metallic soup ladle metal is so hard to paint haha.

And an eggplaaaaant even though I hate them, they are fun to paint~ all the purple colors :D

The painting we did for about 40 min~ It was so cooooold, this is the building that's attached to tower hall.

Drapery painting, which came out way better than my first so i'm fairly happy with it~

And did this during figure drawing again, I think I was going to make her an airship captain in my Steam Punk campaign name yet hmmmm...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Painting in color, what?

Oh god we stared painting in color and WUT AM I DOING?! It's so much harder than black and white but we started off with a limited pallet based off of Zorn and the pallet he used. we had to paint a tomato and I guess more or less it's a tomato but it's not very realistic hahaha oh well :D more practice ahead.

Also cameras suck at picking up the subtle variations of color so when it drys i'll probably scan it in and see how that works.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


I wanted to try drawing different expressions because more or less my characters end up having the same expression. Went to my awesome Tangled art book because there is a great variety of poses and expression from Rapunzel's section. More of my new ice sorcerer, I think i might recycle her to be my nymph for another upcoming game as well haha. I actually want to digitally paint the left one but we'll seeeee, I like acrylics but digital painting is meh.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fionna SilverLake

New D&D campaign means new characters and I've decided to play an ice sorcerer named Fionna SilverLake. Of course that means I had to draw her~ I was looking at the frozen concept art of Anna when drawing her to try out the more round face and big ol' disney eyes. Shes weak so far and I'm not building her as a burst mage so I hope she can keep up :X

Also random squirrel I drew during acting class :D

Also boyfriend found new blog site, concept seemed interesting so heres a link

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Busy Busy!

Its been awhile, so busy and all and still busy but I didn't want to fall behind and get into my old habit of never drawing. So here is a quick head drawing I did during figure drawing, mostly concentrating on positioning and the eyes.

Practicing front facing characters again~ Also did this while in figure drawing

And lastly another side profile of my ninja, the more I draw her the more girly she gets hahaha. Drawn during DnD!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Short term memory

So less than two weeks ago I decided to draw profile views since I never do those and now I'm getting pretty good at then I'm like I havent drawn 3/4 in awhile lets do that! Holy crap it's like I forgot how to draw 3/4 and full frontal positions lol wtf. Anyways after awhile i picked it back up but jees :( i wish once you learn how to draw something you wouldn't forget >_<. Quick >10 min of my ninja!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One Hour Homework

So we had an assignment where we had to time ourselves and see how far we could get with painting a wine bottle in an hour and here are the results~ I'm rather surprised with how far I got, I mean there's a lot more to be done and fixed but overall it has form and looks like a bottle so...woo :D

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Style Comparison

Haha so I drew these two pictures about 10 min apart from each other and why do they look so different? I guess this happens when you're still learning how to draw a certain way, the results don't always look like came from the same person. More side profile of my ninja eld lady and I totally wasn't doodling this during class~ Hopefully I can start drawing people in a consistent way soon.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Princess Ninja

Doodling more side views and it's of my D&D character Ren in her super expensive royal outfit with her rose headband thing that she got too.

Side Profile + Guys

So I've never really taken the time to draw people in side profile and I juuuust got my Frozen art book <3 so I figured I would practice. Then I noticed I never draw guys so...two birds one stone right? I made Kristoff too sexy looking haha mostly because they didn't have a side view of his character so I kinda had to just make it up, though they did have a side view of Hans which is why that turned out super awesome. Then I randomly did some side profile view of girls which is harder than guys which is odd....I think it's those lips...I hate those lips ugh.

Also we finished our black eggs! I didn't get a chance to post earlier because my internet was down~

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Naked People :D!

I get to draw naked people for class woo. Still working on figure drawing and trying to work out the best media/method for me. So far it seems like a pencil gesture with charcoal pencil to then "sculpt" out the figure works best so faaaaar. These are all roughly 5 min and we were supposed to focus on upper torso.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Black Egg + Bonus

Work in progress of my black egg rendering on black background. Why does taking a picture kill so much contrast, ugh. As a whole in person there is more contrast than my white egg, my white egg kinda ended up looking like a gray egg with gray background.

Bonus drawing from my friend, Hulk smashing Finn hahaha.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Character ideas

Ugh I have too many characters I want to play. I'm stuck between a Nymph Nature Oracle, Suli Ice Sorcerer and a CatFolk Ranger. Anyways I was looking a more concept art from frozen and its interesting how many different styles you'll come across depending on who's concept art you're looking at.

This style their eyes are so much bigger and pointy haha and full lips! I usually hate drawing lips bleh. And if this somewhat looks like Elsa than it's because I happened to be looking at her concept art haha.

So taking this new-ish style I created what I thought my catfolk person would look like....I think I would make her a Siamese cat so the area around her nose would be darker :3

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Epic Finale

So last night was the epic end to a year long campaign and the game lasted 14 hours! it was 6 am before we even got home after cleaning up haha. Along the way we started drawing some of our characters so I figured I would post some :)

Here is the group!
I personally played a foot tall pixie who did not do much damage as she was using a long bow that essentially shot toothpicks, although she did become stronger and sort of had this running joke that she ALWAYS kill stole the bosses at the last second :P. So it turns out that my pixie is pretty bad-ass at level 20 and essentially did about 800~ish if not more damage to the Grand Beholder (Final Boss) who had something like 2.5k hp maybe and I ended up killing it too and making a trophy out of it >:)

A party member played this noble lady sorcerer named Hilda and I more or less looked at his drawing of her and than drew it in my style.

And Hilda had a follower cleric named Mizu

Woo~ Can't wait for the start of the next game where I'll be played a Nymph Nature Oracle!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentines :)

Another request by DM/Boyfriend. This time he wanted a pretty noble half-elf with brown hair and streaks of silver and an angular face. Her name is Yulia and I have no idea who or what she is or what her purpose is because shes supposed to be appear in tomorrows game which is the end of our campaign and that I play so I'm not allowed any more because spoilers :(. Roughly ten minute sketch including browsing Pinterest for hairstyles lol.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Another request! A paladin lady who is human and naturally beautiful, no fussing with looking pretty she has better things to do like go slay evil demons :P. I figured a ponytail was pretty low maintenance and wouldn't get in her way while killing evil minions. As a side note I should probably practice drawing guys... or otherwise I'm going to end up drawing really feminine guys hehehe. Also I forgot her name :(

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Finally finished our white egg on white background render for Inga's :D I like how it came out for never painting in acrylics before. It was also the first time in forever since  a teacher praised my work in some form saying that I was one of the students who "got it". "It" being the technique used for acrylic painting to make gradations.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


So up until recently I stopped drawing because I was frustrated that everything was coming out Disney-esque and I wanted my own style that so many other people had found ( I know that not drawing doesn't help me find me style either, idk what I was thinking). Although I was doodling in class and drew more stuff and I mean is it really that bad? Sure my drawings have Disney in them but at the same time their my own sort of interpretation of the Disney Style and if that's my style then maybe its okay. Or maybe if I just keep drawing this way eventually my style will blossom, who knows? IN ANY CASE~ more doodles! Two updates in a row within a few days, it's a miracle guys.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yearly Update Woot!

Ahahaha.... I was joking with my friend that it's been forever since I've uploaded and look at that, it's almost been a year.... ~sigh~

My...want of drawing has been fading but my DM requested I draw a character that he has in our D&D campaigns and so here she isssssss.

Princess Helga Kelnroth
Age: 16

Princess who likes to go on adventures and subsequently get lost and into trouble thus having people (our party) rescue her. Lives in the cold far north, hence all the winter gear and the more practical nature of her wear compared to other royalty who go for looks.

I'm highly surprised I can still draw this well after my.... half a year~ one year hiatus of drawing @_@. Also I still very much hate arms and hands.

Actually about a year ago I also drew this, another character from the same D&D world my DM has created. She is the queen of the city Sadrid and pretty much rules everything from behind the scenes. Forgot her name but eh~ shes more fancy since she lives in warmer climates and doesn't go out adventuring :P. The back of her hair is like a butterfly for reasons I now forgot why and there is the possible crest of the family.

(jk hopefully......)