Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 4: Subculture

So Rachel decided to choose the topic of picking a subculture and drawing something from that~ and so I chose the lolita/gothlolita fashion subculture :). Man this photoshop is kicking my ass and also i have no patience for it haha. I should reaaaaaaaaally find reference so I can get in shadows and stuff so it doesn't look super flat :3 maybe I'll do another one since it isn't wednesday yet! Also her legs, man I don't know what was up but i couldn't draw them so i left them all gesture-y-ish

Also i think this picture is huge if you click on was when i brought it over to the paint program haha XP


  1. yea lolita and gothlolita fashion!!! they are always so damn detailed! and frilly! and awesome! and freakin expensive!! >.< I like the idea of what you have going, it just needs detail! also, did you sketch it out on paper first, scan it, and then color over the line work? cuz that makes things way easier! I hate starting the drawing in photoshop, i have to draw the idea on paper first and then detail it on the computer. also, i agree, evan show us your waaaaaaays!

  2. Yeaaah i just went for it on photoshop. I think sketching it out first on paper would make it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier hahaha. Man there is this awesome shop in SF that sells lolita clothing but nothing is under 150 @_@

  3. The picture is soooo light O_O Maybe it's my computer. I love the style, though. You should totally give her a back story.
