Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 3: Robots

Dear lord I skipped week two haha. I also forgot the email to this account and had to go digging around for thaaaaat. Anyways a quick 'idk what im doing' sketch in photoshop of my robot I guess. It took me forever to think of what to draw and I was leaning towards Borderlands 2 for inspiration but decided upon robotic animals. Growing I wasn't allowed a dog for the longest time and i got these shitty little poochie ( or was it poochy?) 'robot' dogs. Basically they did nothing other than have LED eyes haha. SO these robot dogs are full on robots :D they walk, respond, have emotion (which will show on the front screen display) and what not. All dog with none of the mess! now of course I still love furry real dogs and this is more for those who live in tiny apartments or places that don't allow actual dogs. I was thinking of making them about Corgi Welsh in  size as well as one that is about the size of an apple :) tiny dog that fits in your palm @_@. Anyways crap photoshop sketch :D need more practice, EVAN TEACH ME hahaha.

Oh yeah so I was thinking of making diff model of dogs, like pointy ears like a shiba inu dog but it look way more like a cat, so I guess there are cat models too :3 Also an apple.

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