Friday, October 12, 2012

Figure Drawing

Its been 8 weeks since figure drawing officially started and something finally clicked and made sense today. So here are some...I guess progress pictures since my last figure drawing uploads.

And this one was 10 min

Also clearly i hate hands as i just ignore those and go with blocky shapes :D

Being a Creeper

Haven't drawn from life in forever...which is terrible @_@ So while killing time for ANI112a I decided to draw this chick that was in the student union haha x3. I normally suck at drawing people so I think this came out well :3

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 4: Subculture

So Rachel decided to choose the topic of picking a subculture and drawing something from that~ and so I chose the lolita/gothlolita fashion subculture :). Man this photoshop is kicking my ass and also i have no patience for it haha. I should reaaaaaaaaally find reference so I can get in shadows and stuff so it doesn't look super flat :3 maybe I'll do another one since it isn't wednesday yet! Also her legs, man I don't know what was up but i couldn't draw them so i left them all gesture-y-ish

Also i think this picture is huge if you click on was when i brought it over to the paint program haha XP

Week 3: Robots

Dear lord I skipped week two haha. I also forgot the email to this account and had to go digging around for thaaaaat. Anyways a quick 'idk what im doing' sketch in photoshop of my robot I guess. It took me forever to think of what to draw and I was leaning towards Borderlands 2 for inspiration but decided upon robotic animals. Growing I wasn't allowed a dog for the longest time and i got these shitty little poochie ( or was it poochy?) 'robot' dogs. Basically they did nothing other than have LED eyes haha. SO these robot dogs are full on robots :D they walk, respond, have emotion (which will show on the front screen display) and what not. All dog with none of the mess! now of course I still love furry real dogs and this is more for those who live in tiny apartments or places that don't allow actual dogs. I was thinking of making them about Corgi Welsh in  size as well as one that is about the size of an apple :) tiny dog that fits in your palm @_@. Anyways crap photoshop sketch :D need more practice, EVAN TEACH ME hahaha.

Oh yeah so I was thinking of making diff model of dogs, like pointy ears like a shiba inu dog but it look way more like a cat, so I guess there are cat models too :3 Also an apple.