Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I've recently started getting into painting miniatures again and figured I would post them, wish i had a better setup and camera because the quality of these pictures suuuck but what can you do :P

So this is like one of the first minis I painted awhile ago, shes been tossed around and used so the paints chipping off :0, I might end up stripping the paint off and redoing this one in the future
This one is a later mini where I tried to incorporate highlights and shadows also using a layering technique. Wasn't confident in doing the face so they look like some kind of zombie family.
And this last one was fairly recent, more layering and shadow/highlights. Actually did the face and it came out fairly well.
And just in case anyone was wondering about the scale, here is one of them compared to a penny! Blurry picture but you get the idea.

Also I really want this 58( or was it 54?) reaper master series paint set! You can choose your own colors and what not but its like 200$ for 58(54?) T_T! For fun I wanted to see how much the entire collection of colors would cost without tax and it was 710$ :P oh well maybe someday~

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