Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I've recently started getting into painting miniatures again and figured I would post them, wish i had a better setup and camera because the quality of these pictures suuuck but what can you do :P

So this is like one of the first minis I painted awhile ago, shes been tossed around and used so the paints chipping off :0, I might end up stripping the paint off and redoing this one in the future
This one is a later mini where I tried to incorporate highlights and shadows also using a layering technique. Wasn't confident in doing the face so they look like some kind of zombie family.
And this last one was fairly recent, more layering and shadow/highlights. Actually did the face and it came out fairly well.
And just in case anyone was wondering about the scale, here is one of them compared to a penny! Blurry picture but you get the idea.

Also I really want this 58( or was it 54?) reaper master series paint set! You can choose your own colors and what not but its like 200$ for 58(54?) T_T! For fun I wanted to see how much the entire collection of colors would cost without tax and it was 710$ :P oh well maybe someday~

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Another painting of Ayla :0 not much to say here!

Monday, September 14, 2015


I always seem to forget this blog exists until my friend Franco mentions it once in awhile haha. Once again a character which is another generational character where my half elf had some kids with a deer angel man deity creature (long story don't ask lol) and thus this is the result. Her name is Fianna, youngest of four and the team medic. Went with...er more realistic than the usual but its still kinda stylized and mostly I wanted to brush up on using layers/blending. Got super lazy with the hair seeing as its like 4 am and I lost my reference picture and I haven't painted enough hair to be able to make it up and look nice :P

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Woo another character although I won't be able to play her for mmm about a year probably :( so she might change between now and then. Inspired to make this character after rewatching FMA:Brotherhood and of course once again drawing inspiration from Emily Carroll.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ink and Water Color

Playing around with ink/water color brushes to give the pictures a more organic feeling to them, another tip from my favorite Emily Carroll. Original on the top with new textures on the bottom. It's definitely more pronounced in the clothes. Also no idea why the original has a grey background...it's white to me in the original photoshop file and the .jpg version, so weird

Monday, April 13, 2015


Haha it seems like the only time I draw is for Pathfinder. Yet again another new campaign, another new character. This time it's Ephyria who is a merfolk with a armband bracelet thing with the spell fins to feet so she can walk around on land. Been doing tons of master copies of my new favorite artist Emily Carroll and this is a master copy of one of her pieces but changed up to look like my character :D
Also this isn't her normal dress or anything hahaha, shes usually in a dress of sorts.